Amazing discovery!


Researchers have found a groundbreaking solution that helps you earn more money. It improves your quality of life and makes your content more engaging. It turns prospects into customers, keeps your customers happy and enhances referrals. It staves off low conversions, giving you a better chance to increase your reach and resonance. The only concern would be how to keep up with all the new leads and sales. Interested?

While it sounds hyperbolic, nothing about this fictional ad is inaccurate. If it were for a new software, some would be skeptical. But, others would pay thousands of dollars for a piece of this miracle worker. Wall Street would be drooling all over the company stock. The company executives would enjoy a sweet bonus.

Of course, this ad is not describing some miracle tool. It’s describing the benefits of content mapping. The evidence in favor of relevant, personalized content is well-documented. Yet, we tend to ignore the invitation to increase engagement--with terrible consequences. 

The alternative is to take the wheel of your content marketing program. To do this requires unlearning the volume-over-value message and focus instead on context-over-everything.