A PRACTICAL GUIDE ON How to Promote Your Business During a Downturn


Layoffs. Losses. Uncertainty. They’re all symptoms of the public health crisis, further compounded by an economic dip.

As a marketer or an entrepreneur, you’re wondering how to navigate this tricky environment.

You’ve likely adjusted, but there’s still lingering uncertainty.

I wrote The Marketing Pivot to help you combat this crisis with a structured and strategic approach to marketing.

Because, you need…

A Whole New Approach to Marketing

Though times are difficult, a disruption is also an opportunity to rethink and reposition your brand for success.

The Marketing Pivot shows you how to:

  • Identify opportunities to pivot and rejuvenate your business

  • Increase share of voice, while the competition is asleep

  • Make customers fall head over heels in love with your brand

The Marketing Pivot Includes:

  • Three (3) prompts to help you reposition your products & services (page #40)

  • The eight (8) pricing strategies that best resonate with customers during a downturn (page #42)

  • A 5-point communication checker to increase customer trust and engagement (#29)

  • The three (3) economic customer segments to help you prioritize your marketing (pages #20-21)

  • The six (6) marketing campaigns to help you get more bang for your marketing buck (page #44)

Get The Marketing Pivot Now

You need a new marketing blueprint. The Marketing Pivot shows you how to adapt and thrive, despite our current realities.

Your new marketing blueprint awaits.